Day 1023

Miss Lilly met with the Nutrition Team at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Clinic today. After a lengthy, informative meeting, we were sent home with a food scale and dietary diary. We are balancing the nutritional renal diet with a little lady who is pretty persnickety regarding her meals. We are all determined to figure it out!

Like Lilly, my own children certainly had their most loved and hated meals growing up. Whether taste, texture or smell, there was always one child who would refuse to eat an entree! Always trying to smooth the water, I would sometimes be a short-order-cook… not one of my proudest memories!

By the time my children were off on their own adventures, I had transferred my “aim to please” commitment to my Halo of Goldens. They love their human food, but not always their dog food. The old adage, “they will eat when they’re hungry," doesn’t ring true to this ‘food pusher!'

So when is enough enabling truly enough? My rule of thumb is this… if you are not hurting them physically or emotionally by smoothing the rug out before them, all is well. This goes for food, as well as activities, hopes and dreams. Allowing choice and individual attention to some likes/dislikes seems fine unless it is detrimental to someone’s development! Then the time has arrived to draw that line in the sand and intercede for their own good.

My Goldens, who would eat an entire 50 pound bag of dog food (given the opportunity), need that line in the sand from time-to-time. Otherwise, like with all of my loved ones, being malleable doesn’t seem to stunt anyone’s development. So offer that extra cookie now and then! Ranger would agree!


Day 1024


Day 1022