Day 97


This evening I took a walk with the goldens down by Goodrich Field. Upon returning home, we all sat on the front porch as the football team had tryouts. The music, whistles, lights and energy brought me back to my childhood and the magic of our neighborhood in the '60's.

Almost every house in our block, and a couple across the street, had kids within four years of each other and a grandmother baking bread or cookies. It was a creative group (eventually two professional musicians, two doctors, an artist, one professor, a published poet and the list goes on) of mostly girls. There was never a dull moment.

We would get our chores done and out we would head to see where the group had convened for the day. There was never any guessing because it was always where the bikes were strewn. The elders of our young tribe would typically steer us towards the activities of the day. The list was endless:

*Roller Skate City: We would build stores on a driveway, create our wares and agree on what type of rock we could use for currency.

*4-Square: This game usually turned into 12-Square or beyond and was a brutal competition.

*Tag: We would choose a house and find the safe zone. Once again, no lives were spared.

*Red Rover: Much pain involved due to our competitive nature.

*Flashlight Tag: Simply being out after dark was enough!

*Softball: We played until my grandmother had her third broken window!

*Tree climbing, fresh donuts and Grandma B.'s, Creative Writing and art sessions, monster movie watching, Star Trek in front of the only color TV in the neighborhood (with popcorn), the pool, Christian Hill Follies Show, the DQ each night, dance recitals, piano recitals...

I could go on and on, but suffice it to say we were never at a loss for ideas!

Today, as I walk by the same trees and hedges of my childhood, I love to see the next generation creating their own memories. Most are not too different from our own...only a bit more refined and modern.

Now, I am the only one left on Christian Hill from the original gang. I have lived in this neighborhood for my entire life. I know how lucky we were to have the childhood we had and I feel the new neighborhood kids are just as blessed.

There is something to be said for our Lake Wobegon life. I never take it for granted.


Day 98


Day 96