Day 959

“Smaug the Dragon” (alias Lilly) can often be found guarding her lair! This girl is Alpha and IN Charge! All three boys bow to her dominance! With a soft growl, she rules the roost!

Having said that, our girl has never even hinted at making a dominant choice with humans. There have been young children who have pulled her tail, senior citizens who grab her collar…hanging on for dear life and classrooms of students who hug her until she looks at me for help. She is truly amazing with humans!

How does she differentiate as a dog? She successfully navigates transitions with ease and discernment. Most humans are good. Golden brothers must “toe the line!”

People seem to fall into two categories. The first is the “Lilly’s” of the world, who can morph their personality for different circumstances. The other is in the group of “This is me…love it or leave it!” Both have strengths, but one would seem to maneuver the world with more grace.

As long as the second group has followers, all will be well. These individuals tend to lead and things get done. However, with that lack of attempt to meet people where they are at, this group demands others to come to them. Egos might be hurt and a feeling of being powerless might take hold for the followers!

With the Lilly’s, where a leader can also meet others where they are currently at, it seems that shared power (and creativity) can be more productive! Even though Lilly is the Alpha with the boys, she can be very protective and nurturing to each one when it is necessary.

Bottom line… if Smaug/Lilly guards her lair with one group, but meets others on common ground, all is well in the universe and positive outcomes are numerous. Compromise whenever you can, but gently lead when you must. Smaug/Lilly would agree!


Day 960


Day 958