Day 87
Taking a "Leap of Faith" is not on many bucket lists these days. With the chaos in our beautiful world, it often seems we choose a safe bet over a wild card move.
Lilly and Ranger never take a risk. They rely on their humans for just about everything and even take the safe path on our walks. Gus...not so much! Even that little guy is learning that "leaping before you look" often ends in a bit of a disaster.
In my life, I have taken my fair share of risks. However, before taking a leap of faith, I tend to weigh the pros and cons, analyze the different outcomes and then take that leap. I usually know how deep the pool is before I dive in.
My son, Jimmy, certainly leaped into his new life in Burbank, California last year. After 30 years of living other people's dreams, he decided to move across the country to become an actor in Hollywood! Last August, Jimmy and I packed his car to the max (no room for one more sock) and headed west.
Prior to the big move, my twins had gone out to peruse the landscape. Katie, Jimmy's younger sister by one minute, booked an Air B & B in Burbank so they could go apartment hunting. That booking changed the course of things to come.
Their hosts, who are Armenian, had moved to the United States in the 1990s and became American Citizens along the way. Behind their beautiful home, there is a big pool house with the rental quarters on the second level. During the twins' stay, their hosts invited the them down by the pool for a pizza supper. The two fell in love with Jimmy and Katie. The very next day, they asked my son to stay in the bottom level of their rental pool house.
They fixed that space up for their "new son" and the rest is history.
Jimmy took a leap of faith and the landlords took a leap of faith.
Everyone is beyond happy...except for Lilly, Ranger, Katie and myself living 1500 miles away. We miss him so!
In my experience, leaps of faith are accompanied by some kind of power that adds a splash of serendipity guiding that leap. My wonderful marriage, success of my children, picking up two puppies (Ranger AND Lilly) instead of one, and so many more "jumps" have all turned out better than any list of pros and cons could have predicted!
The leaps of faith at my age are not as high or as long, but I still take them now and then. I believe it's good for people to shake things up now and then...just not too much!