Day 8
This boy! Gus is such a crazy pup! He can be so sweet and deceptively calm, but the "ZOOMIES" are just around the corner! We love him to pieces, but he is our challenge golden!
Ranger and Lilly were both being certified for Therapy Dog International at Gus's age while our youngest is still learning to sit, stay and refrain from eating our carpet! He will come around! I have faith!
Today my first walk was with Gus, as always, and he greeted a number of people. I always have him sit as we approach a fellow walker down at the river and he looks so contrite and predictable. People always fall for the deception and I have to warn them that he is just a pup. I hold on to his collar as they reach to pet him and make sure no jumping ensues. Once the initial greeting has passed, he does calm down. There is hope for him yet!
One neighbor stopped and visited with us about the wonderful seniors we have in our area. She thought it was so great that the elderly still went out for a walk. I agreed and secretly smiled as I knew her age to be 80 plus.
Another neighbor chatted about our wonderful veterans. We shared memories of her WWll father and the tulips he left for all of us to embrace. We also spoke of another WWll veteran who would probably not make his 100th birthday in August. Both men have a special place in my heart. I hope to take Ranger over to see him soon. Bless our veterans!
On a brighter note, Gus had a field day with the wildlife on the river. Due to the flooding, they were closer to him and he watched with great interest as baby ducklings swam after their mothers and geese landed right in front of him. Watching his jubilation and intense interest made me look at the world around us a bit closer. In doing that, I decided that beauty is truly surrounding us if you take the time to really SEE. You just have to stop tand smell the roses...or lilacs!