Day 790

These lazy days of summer are great for the Goldens, but slowing down is not on the "To Do List" for me! On this hot and humid day, I decided to walk the dogs early and then tackle jobs in the house that take a backseat to outdoor activities.

The list was diminishing fast, but a few unsavory, large tasks loomed. I found myself looking out the window and longing for a quick bike ride or a date with the yard waste bin. Stepping outside for a moment with the pups, we all determined it was too warm for much exertion. In we went and, while the Goldens decided to stay cool on the flooring, I needed to revisit that "Indoor List."

Why does the outdoors call to Minnesotans? We all know the answer to that! All too soon, the cold will be upon us and summer activities will be in the rearview mirror. Even though winter walks and sports can be fun, it is such a wonderful feeling to just head outdoors without the coat, hat, mittens, boots...

As a child on Christian Hill, I could hardly wait for the sun to rise each morning. I knew that the gang would be out there and fun was in the forecast. When I walk the Goldens each day, I reminisce about days gone by. The dove calls as I head down the sidewalk and memories flood my mind and heart.

*Roller skating with that amazing key and saddle shoes

*4-square that became 8-square, 12-square and beyond

*Climbing "Old Oak" and pretending to be spies.

*Flashlight tag after dark

*Reading and drawing under a tree

*Biking to the house where all the bikes were piled. That was where the action would be!

*Climbing into Goodrich Field and running the track

*Chasing butterflies

*Grabbing snacks at the homes that ALWAYS had goodies

*Playing in basements to stay cool

*Going to the pool. Remembering my mom hauling the entire neighborhood there and staying in case we needed her.

*Christian Hill Follies practice and shows.

*Playing ANYTHING make-believe (No electronics at all!)

*Simply being creative and enjoying the heat and sun.

Those truly were the "Good Old Days" and I miss them. Today's children are bombarded with organized sports, play dates, "screen time" and so many more options that seem to shrink their freedom and creativity. It is a different world...that's for sure!

Since we can't turn back the hands of time, I will try to embrace this "inside day" and take a moment or two to remember the old neighborhood gang. Perhaps, I will take a lesson from the Goldens and relax for a moment. Nah...that list is calling and I will attack it until it is complete. As for the Goldens...for once, they are not following my every step and simply seem happy to just be inside and cool.


Day 791


Day 789