Day 78


Gus (still no evidence of the missing button) and I had the most beautiful walk along the shores of Pelican Lake this morning. So many aromas, such an abundance of birds and SO many sticks to be chewed!

We came to a certain spot and Gus sat right down, gazing into the woods. I tried to see if there happened to be a deer or fox, but he just sat transfixed looking at the trees. As I peered into the greenery, memories flooded back from years ago.

Back in the late 60's, when we were all coming or going from high school, our dear friends (Jim and Dave) joined the two Farrier girls in a quest to build a fort on the Elk's Youth Camp property. Into those very woods that Gus and I were mesmerized with, the four of us trudged until we found the perfect place to begin our construction. Eight trees stood in perfect position to welcome small trees wedged between. Days passed and we enjoyed every moment as the structure gained a height of seven feet and windows and a door made their appearance.

We were inordinately proud of this completed adventure, so we invited our parents to visit. Half a mile through the undergrowth we all marched until we arrived at our amazing fort. The parents were more amused than impressed, but we were undaunted.

Years later, I was visiting with a camp counselor down on the beach. He happened to mention an old Native American fort they visited with their young campers on each hike through the woods. I didn't say a word, but my heart flooded with sweet memories of a summer long ago.

Maybe Gus had a feeling about that wooded area. We both gazed into the forest for awhile and then headed on to more smells, birds and sticks. I don't know about my golden pup, but I smiled all the way back to the cabin.


Day 79


Day 77