Day 765

Ah...these lazy days of summer!!!! We long for them all winter and our anticipation vacillates between impatience and exasperation when spring holds on a bit too long! Now, they have arrived!

As a child, daily decisions were simple. We flew out the door with flipflops on our feet and excitement in our hearts. Would it be hopscotch, bike rides, the pool, roller skating or a vast array of other enticing options? We would gather at the house where the bikes were piled in the yard and make a plan. It was a beautiful, simple creative and beloved childhood!

Today's children have the same options with a few additional enticements. In an age of electronic devices, the simple pleasures sometimes lose.

My hope for the children of today is to choose some of the glorious activities of my youth. The temptation to be entertained from "without" can be powerful, but choosing to create fun from within certainly has its charm.

As for Ranger, a nap in the sun is the best choice of all!


Day 766


Day 764