Day 670

Our dear, sweet Sammy would want everyone to believe he can do NO wrong!!!! When mistakes are made, he has the best "I am truly sorry" face in the business! There have been a number of times when that face has reduced me to laughter or instant forgiveness. I am confident that he is not manipulating the situation...only so afraid that I might be disappointed with him.

Growing up in the 1950's and 60's, life was simpler and trouble was harder to find. When it was 'found', any possible punishment dimmed in the realization that I might have disappointed my dad. Within my little heart, making him sad was the worst thing I could ever do! I lived to please him.

Now, my father was undemanding, kind, gentle, fair to a fault and empathetic. Beloved by everyone he encountered, his humor and wisdom were welcomed by all who knew him. Disappointing him was my worst nightmare! Even when my sister and I would get into a fight, he would invite us into the living room to discuss the situation, brainstorm alternative reactions and encourage us to choose our own punishment. All done with understanding and love, I came away with a 'lesson learned'.

There are a couple people in my world who have cut off communication due to a misunderstanding. Try as I might, the futility of mending a relationship in a one-sided manner becomes apparent. Eventually, boundaries need to be set around the heart, but doors always remain open to heal. After all, my dad would expect nothing less and I still don't want to disappoint him.

For those who make honest mistakes, take them "into the living room" to work things out.

For those who refuse to sit down and reestablish a close relationship, give them time and always be listening for that gentle knock on the door.

As for our Sammy, there is no malice in his heart, no misunderstanding or miscommunication. A trip to the living room would be futile He simply is a puppy who leaps before he looks. He ALWAYS gets a "Get out of Jail card" for free. Plus, he is adorable!

For me, whether it is a chewed-up shoe or a misunderstanding of the human kind, forgiveness is the reaction of my heart. I couldn't carry a grudge in a basket! Sometimes, finally taking a break from the attempt to fix things is the easiest way to move certainly is easier on the heart!


Day 671


Day 669