Day 625

We had the best walks today! Walking by the river was a real treat for all four Goldens with Lilly and Ranger even prancing along as we went! The smells, the sun, the warmth...all of it gave us the feeling of spring!

However, we Minnesotans know enough not to be fooled by this mirage of wonder! Even though there were throngs of people out for walks, on bikes and motorcycles, playing out in the yard and simply being outside, we all know this is just too easy...winter will have the last say!

Although we can hope for an early spring, almost half of the doorways we passed had snow shovels propped up nearby...laying in wait for the inevitable. For our Walking With Goldens, it has been a miraculous season so far. Only a bit of ice now and then, hardly any snow and warmer than usual temperatures have made for safety on the sidewalks. That means no "Minnesota Two-Step" dancing as we try to stay upright on the ice!

The seasons all have their place in our hearts. If winter slid right into spring without any snow and cold, there would be some disappointed people. Most of us love the cozy nights tucked in by the fireside as we burrow deeply into our homes. Spring will come, with its promise of growth, green and returning migratory birds, but it seems like we have to earn it...perhaps suffer a bit in the cold to earn the right to embrace our reward!

Minnesotans are a tough breed, but today was a reprieve of sorts. With a high of 53 degrees or so, flip flops, shorts and sitting in the sun were evident everywhere you looked. Even the dogs seemed to possess a feeling of hope for warmer weather. After all, that is when all of the good sniffing occurs.

For me, I will take full advantage of this rare winter and walk, walk, walk. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (spring) and it's not a train! Perhaps the groundhog will hand us a different opinion in a couple of days, but we have made it this far!


Day 626


Day 624