Day 597

Our youngest is growing up and embracing his inner-teen. The puppy days are slowly receding, but "The Zoomies" still make an appearance every now-and-then! I wouldn't trade a hair on his furry head!

Every day, I am fortunate enough to take morning and afternoon walks with the Goldens. It has been my good fortune to befriend the neighborhood school crossing guards on the first set of walks. They know each dog by name and have displayed patience and kindness towards our Sammy when he jumps, licks and runs around their legs. Now, I pride myself with knowing a plethora of training tricks, but this youngest guy has been a bit of a challenge...just ask the crossing guards!

This morning, we got a late start and approached the guards on the first walk...Sam. All three came to the corner to greet him and called out to their favorite boy...Gus! They could not believe it when I told them it was Sam. One of the crossing guards kept saying, "That's impossible! I can't believe that is Sam! He is amazing!" I had to convince them that it was, indeed, our youngest.

Through training, treats, patience and persistence, our Sammy is finally settling down and understanding his future role of Therapy Dog. You can almost see the wheels turning in that big head of his and the cogs are finally beginning to align. He is going to be SUCH a great dog when he is certified to go on visits and be the one at the other end of the leash.

Training, treats, patience and persistence seem to be essential to any job for two- and four-legged beings alike. When I was young, I remember the patience my folks displayed when I was learning to tie my shoes, ride a bike, drive a car and any other challenge facing me. They trained with patience and persistence and the "treats" at the end of the lessons were usually my self-confidence and elevation in self-worth. (Dairy Queen was often an end result of a success as well!)

Everyone, regardless of age, ability, goals or rewards will likely achieve their goals with patience and persistence. With mentors there to support, great things can happen.

So, when we are striving to conquer a new task and our patience grows thin (whether mentoring or learning), persistence is key. When persistence is taxing, patience is key. If both patience and persistence are weakening during training...there are always treats!

Sam will be an amazing Therapy Dog...following in his brothers and sister's pawprints. For me, I will continue to persist with patience and, if that fails, monitor and adjust. If all else fails, you can find me at the nearest Dairy Queen!


Day 598


Day 596