Day 558
These two are litter mates and best friends. Surprising our own twins, we went to pick up Lilly and placed a puppy in the arms of both Jimmy and Katie. They were speechless and it was priceless to see two sets of "twins" before our eyes!
There are people in everyone's world who can simply make us feel safe. These individuals guard our secrets, cheer us on and forgive us all of our imperfections...loving us as unconditionally as humanly possible.
My own twins have been close (most of the time) throughout their lives. They protect each other, but can be brutally honest due to that trust. What a gift to have when many would try to sweeten the truth so as not to hurt the other one. Not my two! They tell the truth and always come out the other side loving one another
Lilly and Ranger literally "have each other's backs" as they often sleep back-to-back. My own twins have each other's backs figuratively speaking, and would do just about anything for their "Wombmate" they laughingly refer to each other.
When we are lucky enough to have those kind of 'Safe People' in our lives, it is a gift beyond measure. It also comes with a heavy responsibility. We must honor the relationship with honesty and reciprocate the feeling of safety. Protecting that bond must be safeguarded and cherished.
There have been one or two times in my own life when a "Safe Person" has not been true to that bond. Although, at the time, the loss can be felt deeply, life goes on and lessons are learned. Boundaries are erected and truer relationships are treasured even more. Judging true character becomes an art of wisdom.
So, much like Ranger and Lilly, I fiercely guard my "Safe People" and try to never let them down. My 'Golden Twins' are true blue, unless there is only one dog bone...then their true natures are exposed!