Day 539

Our Miss Lilly has a sore back. This is not the first time she has struggled with a mobility issue, so a quick call to her clinic and we have the medication she needs to be her Sassy Self soon!

In the meantime, she is being babied and loved up one side and down the other as she holds court in the living room. Her humans are pampering her while her brothers remain close and vigilant...knowing all is not well. Even Sammy has been supportive with a few caring sniffs, tentative wags of the tail and giving her the space she needs to heal. Dogs are amazing.

In the past, when I have been under the weather, my canine family members have remained by my side. It is so comforting to have that devotion and warmth (always touching) when you are not feeling well. They sense the need to be close, even though they might not understand the issue...that kind of love is rare indeed.

There have been friends and family members who have needed a high level of caring in the past. It is difficult for me to NOT jump in when I sense a need or hear of a person who could use a little love. Even though there have been many sleepless nights, hours of physical care and countless "meals on wheels (or feet)," I am the one who benefits beyond measure. The chance to be there for someone when the need is dire, is a gift in itself! To be needed is such a wonderful feeling.

For now, our Golden Girl will take it easy, heal slowly and relish the extra love and attention. We will have to fight our way through her Golden brothers to help her heal, but it is worth every high step over paws and wagging tails.


Day 540


Day 538