Day 534
Today is traditionally the day Christmas decorations begin to appear throughout the house. True to form, Halloween has disappeared, but Therapy Dog visits, Asher and Golden walks filled my day instead of the first tree 'going up' with beloved ornaments hanging from the branches. Other years would have found me berating myself for failing to begin my favorite season on time, but this year, I took a deep breath and decided there were more important things on which to focus my attention.
Yesterday, when my post addressed the excitement of decorating for Christmas, I read a response which made me reevaluate my rush to decorate. My friend, Sue, wrote that she is much like me, but replaces Halloween with Thanksgiving decorations. She went on to say she has so much to be thankful for since each year is a true gift. This is my friend who, battling cancer, only asks for more time with her loved ones. Her words were humbling and found their place right in my heart. This beautiful woman wants to celebrate Thanksgiving because she is so very thankful to still be here with family.
Letting her words settle deeply within me, I silently reflected on what I am most thankful for. It soon became apparent that I am most thankful for those things in life I sometimes take for granted..loved ones, nourishment, health and shelter. Day-by-day, I walk through life assuming these gifts will be there without question. It occurred to me how life-altering the loss of any of these would be...that was the humbling part.
So, because my friend illuminated the simple gifts of life, I will cherish loved ones more and be grateful for those special, basic needs in my time.
Thank you, Sue, for sharing your positive spirit and helping me keep the "thanks" in Thanksgiving. Each day, leading up to the holiday, I plan to take a moment to count my many Sue and her amazing outlook on life.