Day 531
Anoka High School's class of 1973 had their reunion last night. Fifty years ago, the group that gathered for the celebration, walked across Goodrich Field and off to follow their own path to the future. Five decades later, we reunited to share our stories.
Being a member of the class, but not traveling too far from home on my own journey, I was able to observe with a hometown advantage. While some were acclimating to their past in Anoka, I was already feeling quite comfortable in my surroundings.
Looking at faces from the past, and cheating with the help of name tags, it was interesting to see how life had treated my fellow classmates. Some showed a little "wear-and-tear" while others had changed little at all. Traveling from Hawaii, Costa Rica, Florida, Montana and beyond, these people took the time to reconnect with friends they haven't seen for eons! That, in itself, is special.
Knowing that the aging process makes no exceptions, I still tend to look out from within myself as a younger version...not the age I am now. Of course, mirrors will set me straight from time-to-time, but my first tendency is to feel somewhere around my mid- thirties...
Most of the group seemed to be pretty self-actualized. The guests were catching up, sharing pictures of grandchildren , laughing and hugging without any artificial flairs at all. We came as we are now and didn't worry about belonging to a certain popular group because we WERE the group!!!
If I could give any advice to a graduating class, it might be to strive towards self-actualization and simply learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Follow your own dreams, not anyone's expectations for you, and use your gifts to make the world a better place.
I heard so many life stories last night and marveled at the vastly different lives we all have lived. Walking down Memory Lane brought more smiles than tears and at the end of the evening, I felt like most of my classmates had used their gifts to brighten this earth!
Well done, class of 1973! I am proud to be among you!