Day 517

These two are soulmates. They have never been separated in their entire lives and sense every mood, need and want where the other is concerned. It is a beautiful relationship and we can learn so much from these old souls.

Human soulmates come in different forms, but share the qualities of profound connections, deep affinity for one another and a special love. Friendships, family members and spouses are certainly candidates for a soulmate relationship, but it doesn't seem to happen often in one's life. I am blessed to be married to mine!

With Lilly and Ranger, I noticed little things that show their devotion for each other. Touching when they sleep, following the other when they leave the room and even honoring the other's food bowl (a BIG concession for Ranger) are evident in their daily lives. It is so sweet to watch!

I like to think I am a soulmate to my Goldens in some form, but it is mostly a devotion that flows between us. Unlike humans, they are not wired to be selfless... it is mostly about survival. With people, we have surpassed the survival level and, with most of our needs and wants met, can be other-oriented.

Although nurturing the heart of a soulmate is important because both parties give so much to each other, feeding other hearts is never a bad idea. There are people walking the face of this earth who have never found a soulmate and could use some love and nurturing from time-to-time. It is surprising how someone can bloom with a bit of adoration thrown their way.

Lilly and Ranger are great examples of loving those who are most in need of having their hearts warmed. I, for one, am going to be on the lookout for people who have no soulmate to protect their hearts. My Goldens have shown me how easy it is to share the love with those who need it most!


Day 518


Day 516