Day 493

As I Walk With Goldens each day, the leaves make their mystical transformation without much fanfare. One day there is a hint of color and then the foliage continues on its beautiful continuum until autumn takes your breath away. I revel in the the colorful transition each and every day.

There has been much written about the green leaves of summer hiding the true beauty of the tree. People have made poetic comparisons between the fall foliage and people. The common idea suggests individuals should let their true colors show and embrace their inner beauty and gifts. I do love the analogy, however, a new question began to arise as I walked. Why do the leaves (people) hide their inner beauty to begin with?

Being a product of the 50's and 60's, the answer seemed simple by nature. Most of us were taught to be humble and not to flout any talents we might process. Although we were given opportunities to shine, when the spotlight beat down upon us, we became humble. Almost in a self-demeaning manner, our response to praise was often...

"Oh, I am not that good."

"That was really nothing."

We also learned to downplay any praise with a self-degrading reply such as...

"Graceful? I trip over my own feet!"

"Kind? Anybody would have done that."

It is challenging to meet a compliment with a "thank you" and a smile. With practice, it can be done and the real benefit might just be the joy it brings to the person offering praise.

The next time someone tries to deny their inner beauty, I am going to take their hand and tell them their brilliance is just like the trees in autumn... don't try to hide behind the green leaves that make them unseen as an amazing individual. Everyone has unique gifts...

Use them!

Accept praise!

Be brilliant and colorful!


Day 494


Day 492