Day 461
As all four Goldens continue towards being healthy once again, they all want to be RIGHT where we are. Always Velcro puppies, when they are under-the-weather, they become more like magnets. It has made me realize how much they look to us for everything!
Regardless of health, we humans typically want to be around others. Of course, there are times when solitude is desired, but we seem to need others most of the time.
For just about every emotion, I want to share that time with others. Happiness, sadness, name it, I desire to experience those times with loved ones.
Happiness is certainly a welcome emotion, whether it is a personal event or a vicarious one. Watching family and friends experience that feeling is one of my greatest joys on earth.
Sadness can be diminished when shared with others who care. Loss, of any kind, seems to soften when hugs or caring hearts are near.
Excitement is also richer when shared. When something amazing happens, I can't wait to find another person with whom to share the good news. Sporting events are proof of this! Watching spectators react to a positive point in a game shows people reaching out for others to hug or high five.
Strange, but when I feel any of those emotions, they seem vaguely similar. Funny how feelings of sadness, happiness and excitement all reside in our very core...or heart. Sharing our hearts with others and being open to others' emotions makes the world a kinder, more loving place!
So, when my Goldens come to me with those big brown eyes, they simply need to be close. I try to share their emotions and I am never disappointed. What a gift!