Day 452

Each morning, we take three lovely, very different walks:

#1. Sam... Energy Personified! Zigs and zags, squirrel-chasing and pushing every limit known to mankind.

#2. Gus... Wonderfully obedient to a fault, but still FULL of energy!

#3. Lilly and Ranger...dignified, predictable and calm.

We were on Walk Number 3 when I noticed the greatest climbing tree EVER! It has obviously been visible on every walk, but the light simply caught it in all its glory this morning. Plus, I was actually able to let my eyes wander from the other end of a leash to enjoy the view! Tall, strong and lumpy, that tree held the perfect attributes of an adventure. I wanted to climb it in the worst way!!

Now, I haven't actually climbed a tree in some time to be honest. Along with my roller blades and slalom ski, tree climbing has drifted away from my first activity choice for the day. Aging is funny that doesn't really offer a proper goodbye to some of the things we have loved to do.

That tree represented aging in the kindest of ways. Much like the continuum of my three dog walks, I seem to have slowed down and no longer feel the need for excitement at a extravagant level. I could still imagine the joy of the climb, but had no desire to hike myself up on that first limb.

Although my tree-climbing days might be in the rearview mirror, I still love all of the tree's potential gifts through the years. Like Sammy, I once approached a tree with gusto! Then later, like Gus, I still enjoyed the tree with all my senses. However now, I am more like Lilly and Ranger when I simply love the memories of climbing a tree and am content to sit on its shade.

Acceptance, of whatever stage the journey of life finds you in, can actually open up beautiful doors. Seeing that climbing tree offered me something special today. Memories of tree forts, walks in the woods and just the chance to be in the moment to enjoy the beauty of the oak tree was more than I could ask for.

It is wonderful how our activities and expectations walk hand-in -hand with the very age we are at! Lilly and Ranger seem to understand that with all of their heart and wagging tails!


Day 453


Day 451