Day 436

This boy! After we took a break from training, due to precautions associated with Canine Influenza, we headed back to class. Gus was a Rock Star!

All day, all week, I worried about this pup going back to school. In Obedience 1, he was so intimidated by the other "students" that he vacillated between cowering and barking! We have worked diligently on our walks to see other four-legged beings as friends. Treats, praise and perseverance were part of our daily walks. When class night approached, would he revert to Cujo or a pathetic puddle on the floor? Neither!

Gus only had a couple moments of angst, but shook them off (literally) and even found praise directed his way by the instructor! There was some "inappropriate sniffing" that needed redirection, but those were few and far between! I was one proud Mama!

The lesson learned here pertains to preparation. Without our weeks of walking and practicing acceptance of other dogs, tonight would have been a disaster! Hours of letting this sweet, one-eyed pup know that not every dog is about to attack paid off.

Another moment of enlightenment came when I realized that dogs learn better when they feel safe...just like humans.

Life jackets for beginning swimmers, training wheels, Driver's Education and other supports, they all free the learner to focus on the lesson instead of putting all their energies into staying safe.

I will try to remember that from now on with pups, grandsons and even myself!


Day 437


Day 435