Day 398

At our home, there are four Goldens who think the world of their father! They even commissioned me to make a special gift for him... since their paws are not quite as nimble as fingers! Mac is their safe place in any storm and they love him unconditionally.

My own father, who was absolutely my harbor in any storm, has been gone for 22 years now. Even though I can't get one of his amazing hugs or run next door to say good night, he really is not that far away in so many ways.

Dad was a gentleman among men. He was beloved by just about everyone who was fortunate enough to be in his presence. Even now, there are people who come up to me and tell me how much he meant to them in their lives. I was a lucky little girl.

If Dad had a poster on child rearing, it might look something like this:


1. Do not spare loving words. Tell them every day that you love them beyond measure.

2. When they make a mistake, first sit down and talk to them about alternative choices. Then, allow them to choose their own punishment.

3. Always be there to play games, take them to school, watch them ice skate and any other activity they might enjoy. Be present.

4. Demonstrate that music is beautiful. Help them to follow in your love for the piano or anything else that beautifies the world.

5. Never lose your temper. Never.

6. When you are chatting about anything, look them right in the eye and let them know they are the only thing that matters at that moment.

7. Give them advice, but never tell them what to do. Discuss the alternatives regarding their dilemma and then guide them to make the choice that is right for them.

8. Always be there for them. Always.

9. Even when they are out on their own, let them know that you are still their harbor in any storm.

10. Love them fiercely with all the gentleness you can muster.

My dad was my best friend as I grew up. When I said he is not that far away, I meant that his wisdom and love still reside within...making me the person I am today.

Thank you to all of the wonderful fathers out there who choose to love their children more than they love themselves. It makes children who grow up to love the same way.


Day 399


Day 397