Day 396
Today was an Asher Day! Those precious days typically begin with breakfast and "List-Making." As we sat at the table, I reached for our special pad of paper and asked my grandson what needed to go on the list today. Typically, we write things down like walk the dogs, read books, creative project or bake cookies. Today, that little guy looked at me and said, "Hey, Nanny! How about if today we don't make a list and just do what we want, when we want to?".
Although for me, list-maker extraordinaire, this was outside my comfort zone. (I have been known to finish something that was not on my list, add it to said list and then cross it off!) I decided "Why not?" I told my small partner in crime that he was in charge of the day!
Being the responsible guy he is, Asher thought we should walk the dogs first. Sam was accompanied by Asher on a scooter. Gus had a walking, hand-holding body guard and the seniors were followed by Asher on a bike. It was a win-win all the way around and we even were able to watch a cement mixer work on the parking lot down at Zion Church!
Next, he thought I might water some of the plants and trees while he played on the trampoline. Between the "Hey Nanny! Watch this!" commands and a few dodgeball battles, the watering was completed!
After a quick check on the house residents (Mac and the pups were all doing well), Asher and I headed down to the river. He wanted to go see the paintings in the "Under Tunnel" and the Anoka Kindness Rock Garden beyond. We made a quick stop at the playground and the foot bridge over the Rum River...keeping with the spontaneity of the day. Then we headed to the walking tunnel under Main Street. The artists were not there, but their amazing paintings were certainly underway. I was truly stunned by the talent and imagination displayed on the walls...and my young charge LOVED the echo!
The Kindness Rock Garden is a favorite stop and we took a moment to read some of the painted stones. Asher chose one to take home to his mom and we were off to see the water flowing over the dam. Checking my watch, it was time to meet Papa at Sparky's for lunch.
Home to build a "ramp" for the Monster Trucks involving Lilly's car ramp, some boards, boxes and a few rocks thrown in for good measure! When the heat of the day chased us inside, we snuggled in for a good book or two. Before I could even begin, Asher was fast asleep. Sweet boy...
Now, I did not follow a list, nor was I able to check anything off, but our day was just as productive without that little piece of paper. I believe my love for lists was born during my teaching years and college career. When I was teaching AND going to college, the survival of my family depended on those lists! Now they are hard to shake!
At this point in my life, I can relax a bit and attempt to be more spontaneous. Perhaps tomorrow, I will ignore my pad of paper and follow the Goldens' THAT would be an interesting experiment!