Day 392

The other day, I had the absolute joy of spending time with incredible seniors at Walker. Once a month, there is a concert with Kori on piano and Mr. Don on his harmonicas. We always make sure Don gets to the staging area with his microphones, harmonicas and the man himself.

Upon walking through the entrance doors, and also along the hallways, people want to know where my dogs are. They have even commented that I look strange without a leash in my hands! It does feel rather odd, but the Goldens might have stolen part of the show on this day...and we didn't want that!

Having deposited Don near the piano, I retreated to a seat near the back of the Memory Care Unit. I had a wonderful viewpoint of the action from my perch. The two musicians in front were in rare form and their music brought so many smiles to otherwise sad faces. All of a sudden, Kori suggested that they sing some patriotic songs. Don was on board, but only the non-residents reacted with nods and quiet clapping.

When the music started with "America the Beautiful", heads began to lift where they had been resting on chests and hands began to clap along. Feet tapped, staff danced with a couple of the people and voices took on a life of their own. Where there had been soft singing by a few, now there were loud, beautiful voices joining in on every single song. As a nod to the different military service members began, voices actually began to sing in harmony. One of the guests suggested that a choir needed to form with these amazing people.

There were times when I couldn't stop smiling while other times I felt the tears close at hand. It occurred to me that if you added up all the earthly years sitting in the room, one would be WELL into the thousands. Think of what those residents have seen and experienced in their lifetimes. In Memory Care, there are so many times when the past is a bit foggy, however, when music is added to the mix, memories seem to slide to the forefront. It was startling to see the entire group of elders come to life...most even knew every word!

Music has that kind of magic. I once lost my composure at church when a certain hymn was played. Barely holding it together, the memory from my own Nanny's funeral came to light. Before I even put that together, my inner being embraced the memory because of music.

Without one of my Sweet Goldens, I was able to observe and cherish the sight of these seniors emerge from the confusion, if just for a little while, and share "life" in song, smiles and interactions. It was truly a beautiful thing to witness and, for once, I didn't even have a leash in my hand!


Day 393


Day 391