Day 385

Ranger was invited to a special event at North Branch High School this morning. When we FINALLY arrived, he was greeted and loved by a number of students and staff! The students were anxious about finals and the end of the year, while the teachers simply looked exhausted and in need of some Golden Love. The office staff, teachers and students were beyond welcoming and grateful for some time with our big guy! Thank you for having us visit!

Perhaps you noticed the phrase, "finally arrived", in the previous paragraph? Well, as we were barreling down Highway 35, we heard a funny noise and then a "thump, thump, thump" which we realized was a flat tire! Dear Mac pulled over to the side of the highway and began the horrible task of changing the tire to the spare. He gave it his all, but Ranger and I could see it was time to call AAA for assistance!

Feeling a bit disheartened with mankind as I watched countless cars pass us by with furtive glances in our pathetic direction, I was humbled when a van pulled over and a young man (by our standards) jumped out and said, "You look like you could use a hand." Beautiful words indeed!

He jumped right in and even had better tools in his vehicle to assist in the tire change. He finished in record time and paused a moment to chat. This gentleman has six children and is on the road for a good portion of the week. Yet, he stopped to help two (three counting Ranger) pathetic elders when we most needed that assistance. Thank you to Ron! You renewed my faith in people.

Little did he know that we were headed to an event where people really needed one of the passengers in the car. If we had cancelled, there would have been some pretty sad high school students!

The one thing that rests right there in the middle of my heart is that a stranger took the time to help. He didn't know us, didn't HAVE to stop and expected nothing in return. This man was simply doing the right thing.

I have a saying that I repeat whenever I must make a decision as to whether I should choose to help or not. "It is never wrong to do the right thing...choose kindness." There are times when I am uncomfortable approaching a situation where I fear someone might just want to be left alone. However, almost without exception, doing the right thing has made the world a little kinder.

We should all be more like Ranger. He doesn't even question whether he should make a choice. He simply moves in and does the right thing with great kindness and a little bit of slobber and Golden Fluff!


Day 386


Day 384