Day 346
We had a busy day today! It was "Special Person Day" at Asher's preschool and Nanny was able to attend! After running home from that event, I had Ranger jump into the car to take up his usual post at Oxbow Elementary. Next was lunch with friends, pick up Asher, make dinner and a Lyric Arts play in the evening to top off the night! Somewhere in there, we needed to pick up a round of antibiotics for Miss Lilly. Whew!
Picking up the prescription for Lilly was close to $4 a pill. Worth every penny, nickel and dollar! We had all four Goldens in for the Canine Influenza shot on Saturday...also pricey, but worth it! A couple of weeks ago, we picked up the RX for 'Tic and Flea' along with their 'Heartworm' medication...VERY pricey for the year with four dogs!
People ask if having a pet is a commitment. I calmly answer them with an affirmative and then launch into the commitments of time, training, money and love. If done the way I believe it should be, pets should get the best treatments available for veterinary care. They should also receive all the time and love necessary for a happy pet. They are at our mercy and the responsibility to offer them their best life is real. This is extravagant any way you look at it.
Often the next question might be, "Is it worth it?"
My answer to that is a simple and resounding "Yes!"
The adoration, companionship and pure love, as offered by beloved pets, does not have a price tag. If our Goldens charged us every time they made us smile, helped dry a tear or got us up and out in the morning, we would need to take out a hefty loan. To me, they are family. Their addition to our home is priceless.
Knowing the cost of having these, emotional and time...might give others pause. However, the only pause in our lives would be to count our blessings and be thankful for the beloved 16 "paws" in our lives!