Day 329


I simply adore the sense of smell! Warm sugar cookies, popcorn, a bonfire... Now, as spring explodes onto the scene, there is a newness to the air and the scent of hope!

The Goldens know what I mean! On our walks today, and out on the front porch, their noses were working overtime! Dogs are known to be able to use their noses far better than we humans and today, they were "nose to the ground," "nose in the air" and just plain "nosey!"

It is also documented by research that the sense of smell is the best for memories. I believe that to be true for me. When I walk into a building, the memories flood back to the year I was connected.

*Lincoln Elementary...Even in the early 60's, my nose must have been connecting the smell with that file in my brain. When I went to Kindergarten Round-Up with Asher, the smell was almost identical to when I was a kindergartener myself! Talk about walking down Memory Lane!

*Church...When I was a middle school student, we walked over to the Congregational Church for math class. When I walk through those doors each Sunday, the smell remains the same. However, that file in my brain has added weddings, funerals, amazing services and beloved friends to the memories. That's a good thing, because math was a bit rough that year!

*The cabin...So many memories flood my brain when I walk through those doors. That file has a big smile on the cover!

*My own Nanny's home next door...When I was a child and would run over to see her, the moment I walked through the door there was a wonderful smell. Baked bread, cookies, sunshine and just plain Nanny. I can still remember burying my head in her apron when I was in need of some love and comfort. Remembering the smell of that beautiful apron still brings me comfort!

*Beloved people...Being on the Ghost Tour in Anoka, we have some strange happenings. One of my favorite is when we smell my dad's pipe smoke. We all just stop and smile with tears in our eyes.

So many many beautiful memories. What a gift the sense of smell is to our lives. It you question that, just ask Ranger, Lilly, Gus or Sam. Sam would be the first to say, "I love that smell! What is it and can I eat it?"


Day 330


Day 328