Day 319
Surviving the first thunderstorm of the year, with four nervous Goldens, can be very interesting. Ranger and Lilly have been shaking and attempting to crawl under our legs, while the two puppies find solace in roughhousing to drown out the noise and subdue their anxiety.
I wish I could sit them down and explain the science behind the noise. Failing that, I simply keep them close and rub their ears.
There are so many things that defy explanation for humans as well. Asher and I have many discussions with questions that go something like this:
Hey, Nanny! How do the birds know when to come back after the winter?
Hey, Nanny! Where is the sun when it's cloudy?
Hey, Nanny! Why are there so many stars?
Hey, Nanny! Why do our dogs love us so much?
Well...those questions might be answered easily when addressing someone a bit older, but I struggle to find honesty and simple facts when fielding his MANY inquiries.
For the bird question, I asked him if he ever feels the need to get a quick hug. We don't ask ourselves why we want to connect with a loved one, we simply know and move in that direction. The birds just know it is time to fly north for the summer. It is like they need that hug.
The stars question was a challenge. To give a scientific answer would be beyond his years, so I simply told him the world offers us so much reassurance. At night, the glowing stars remind us that light is still with us and will return when the sun rises in the morning.
With the sun, we did a little display with a flashlight and paper clouds. He understood to some degree, but transferring that concept only happened when we flew to Florida. That is when it took on meaning.
As for the reason our dogs love us so...I just shook my head and said, "I don't know, Honey. I guess they are so full of love that it just overflows wherever they go."
I love his questions because they make me think and feel deeply. I hope he continues to inquire about things forever. That pure, sincere need to know and understand gives me hope for the world! The children are our future indeed!