Day 277
I do realize this is not a Golden Retriever, but my pups actually helped to bring this young bear to me. A package arrived at my door the other day and this little guy popped out when I opened the box. A card explained that someone in Idaho had read my chapter books and thought someone might need a teddy bear (a prominent storyline in each book). Looking into those eyes, I decided it was time for me to claim a "Therapy Teddy Bear" of my own. His name is Murphy... the name of the giver's dog.
Those who know me best, know that I have teddy bears just about everywhere. Sometimes I think it is because their eyes remind my of my Goldens. Other times, I appreciate their quiet, constant support. If nothing else, they are adorable! They often find their way into lonely or frightened arms to comfort and befriend that person. My bears, when given away, are always named Howard and are loved from the first furry encounter.
Inanimate objects can bring such comfort to the heart. Jewelry, pictures, knickknacks, books and so much more can calm a stormy sea of emotions at just the right time.
I will often choose a certain ring to wear when attending a special event. Each ring is chosen to honor a person from my past who once wore the band around their own finger. Sharing the experience with the memory of a loved one on my finger can also be a comfort or joy knowing that person would have loved to be present.
My bears all have the name of the giver written on a empty wooden thread spool tied around their furry neck. Many precious friends have gifted me with the perfect bear to commemorate our friendship. I cherish those fluffy buddies.
One very special Steiff bear had a twin over in Germany. We have a beloved "adopted son" who worked at Walt Disney World so long ago. Connecting on a deep level, our lives became so intertwined that, when his mother was losing her battle with cancer, I sent her the twin teddy bear. We would talk on her good days and became very close. I was told that when she passed, that teddy bear was on her pillow. Now her son has it and I cherish my "Jutta Bear" beyond measure. Who would have guessed that two little brown teddy bears could bridge an ocean and bring two lives together?
As for Murphy, he now belongs to the inner circle of "inanimate" objects I cherish...and I use that adjective lightly! I believe I just caught him smile at me out of the corner of my eye!