Day 26


As I sat on the front porch with my birthday pups (nine years young today), Lilly and Ranger started to bark softly. Now, these two are very territorial and protective, so barking softly made me sit up and pay attention! All of sudden, I could hear chirping and quacking close at hand. Standing to get a better view I saw what my two Therapy Dogs had been whispering about. A mama duck and her newly hatched DOZEN ducklings!

The sweet family was attempting to go down our cement steps onto the sidewalk. I didn't want to startle them, or scare them out to the street, so I ran around to our driveway and quickly walked up to the corner. Peering around the cement wall, I saw them heading my way!

Thinking fast...well at least as fast as I could in a panic...I headed them off at the corner. Mama took a quick right with her sweet fledglings peeping at her webbed heels.

Herding them down the sidewalk, I realized I needed backup to get them to the river. Four blocks is a long journey for 12 little quackers! Calling the neighbors, they arrived and saw us to the next corner! I love our neighbors!!!

I then reached out to my AMAZING son-in-law and grandson to help with the quest. Now, there might be a number of men who would have encouraged me to just let nature take its course, but not this guy! He ran back to see that Lilly and Ranger were safe and then joined my grandson and me to continue the mission. In other words, he has a huge heart AND he knows I wouldn't stop until I saw them safely to water.

We crossed the next street with a few cars stopping to shout out advice and encouragement. Onward to our next wonderful neighbor who offered a box for the little ones. Her son actually ran out to gather the ones I couldn't grab. Well, he actually collected 11! I tried, but only got one!

Now we had a "box of quackers" (Sorry, but I couldn't resist!) and a mama who was frantic! I carried the box while the boys brought up the rear. With only a few stops and redirections for Mama, we finally made it to the river and all were reunited!

With the help of friends, neighbors and loved ones, this little family was safely delivered to water. Much like Robert McCloskey's "Make Way For Ducklings," it took a village to see this little family home. People are truly just have to look around and you will see the beauty in individuals! Sometimes, it takes about 13 ducks!


Day 27


Day 25