Day 244
These two!!!! Gus and Sam are true puppies in every sense of the word! Given a choice, they will play! We are a bit protective of Gus with his stitches, but he gets right in the fray at every opportunity!
We haven't allowed them to go outside for their shenanigans since Gus had his surgery, so they carry on inside the house! We have not lost any lamps, glassware or tables...yet! It will be nice when they can go outside to expend their "zoomies" once again!
I watch them and wish I had a bit of that energy! When I was teaching second grade during the day and college at night, I would race home to tuck the kids into bed, make lunches and correct papers from my younger AND older students. Back then, I could get by on about four hours of sleep a night. The next day, I was ready to tackle the world again!
Now, I make more "mature" decisions about how to expend my energies. Walking dogs, cleaning house, Sweet Asher and volunteering seem to govern my waking moments. I am fine with that, but I still wish I had the stamina of years ago.
However, perhaps, slowing down physically allows me to ponder more important things in life. In my younger years, I rarely had the time to seek any of the wisdom that was blossoming within. It is my belief that the years form a core of strength, stamina and fortitude that has nothing to do with what physical energy can accomplish. It seems to be where wisdom is born and that comes from within.
I have witnessed such wisdom from my senior friends who have trouble crossing the room without becoming exhausted. I have even heard them say they are not worth much anymore. I beg to differ!
The older one gets, the more the heart learns from experience, observation and empathy. Hopefully, the younger generation can stand still long enough to appreciate the fact that, even though someone "slows down" in their physical ability, they "speed up" with the wisdom to help move the world forward in the right direction.
Even though I should go down and clean the basement right now, I believe I will sit with my Goldens and ponder the was a good one!