Day 216


We had some amazing commitments today, so the Goldens were on their own for a portion of the day. Whenever we leave, Sammy is safe in a large kennel (meant for St. Bernards), Gus is in the sun room with a view towards the driveway and Lilly and Ranger get the living room where they have been enjoying Hallmark Christmas movies this month. It's a tough life! As we walk out the door, I always tell Lilly that she is in charge.

This morning, we joined dear, dear friends at the Season's Dinner Theater to see their Christmas show. The play was amazing! The food was great! The company was cherished! To add to this wonderful event, the director's and playwriter's sons and wives sat right next to us! Being some of my most favorite students EVER, they are beloved and I just couldn't stop smiling!

Home for a brief time to free, feed and let the pups outside for a bit, we then headed down to a birthday party in Minneapolis. The birthday boy (55) and his family are neighbors at the cabin, so it was a fun reunion! We gifted Paul a 55 speed limit sign and a shirt that broke down his age into months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Fun times!

Returning home, our Goldens acted like we had taken a cruise around the world and were just returning after months on the open seas! Crying, wagging, jumping and kisses were all part of the frantic greeting. Their "Hello" was much better than the looks on their furry faces when we left!

Saying good-bye to loved ones is never easy and I am not very adept at farewells. Even when the parting is for a short span of time, I ALWAYS tear up. I simply don't like to be separated from those I love.

Even when I am happy for the loved one who is heading towards adventure or excitement, tears still fill my eyes. Try as I might, I am not able to hold those emotions within. When I examine that reaction, I realize I am someone who needs to see, touch and know my people are close by. I don't actually greet the wandering traveler like my Goldens welcome me home, but there are some similarities.

The pups show their adoration in so many ways. One of those is by reacting, as they do, to a separation. We always honor their need to greet us in their frenzied way. My family does the same for me by acknowledging my emotions and assuring me that it is OK to cry. I believe they would be concerned if I didn't react that way. That is such a gift to me. Showing people they are necessary to your happiness through an emotional reaction is never a bad thing...just ask my loved ones!


Day 217


Day 215