Day 194


Mac always jokes that I had three prerequisites before I would agree to marry him. He had to:

Move to Anoka!
Love dogs!
Love Disney!

I always smile when he tells that story, but there is some truth to it!

We had the joy of being down in Florida at Walt Disney World this fall. It really was the perfect trip with family, stellar weather and the knowledge that our fur babies were safe and sound with their Auntie Michaela tucked in at home. On top of that, we JUST beat the hurricane out of the airport in Orlando! Also, there were dogs everywhere!

We certainly saw dogs in the actual parks with some of them even dressed up like the characters! Most of the dogs accompanying their humans were obviously Service Dogs. They were well-behaved, attentive to their charge and oblivious to everything around them. What a gift these dogs are to people with disabilities! We even noticed a number of areas where the owners could take their dog for a potty break...these were actually decorated and Disney Dog Adorable!

We also observed quite a few police k-9 units. They were at the gates and seemed to be ready to identify anyone with contraband. They were mostly shepherds, but we did see one golden. It was so hard to ignore these beautiful creatures!

Then there were the "BEAGLE BED BUG SNIFFERS". We did not actually see these dogs, but the vans have been spotted on other visits. I felt pretty safe with these guys on the payroll!

To top it off, we headed back to our place at Old Key West and, before heading up the stairs to our rooms, were met with the sweetest pups exiting a room below us. We chatted with the owners of these big guys and they said Disney is very Dog Friendly! I believe that! We saw Pluto more than once and he seemed to have the run of the park!


Day 195


Day 193