Day 188
When you are quarantined and it is COLD outside, it is a challenge to walk Goldens. Sitting inside, with four Therapy Dogs on call, I find the time to connect with each one. The pup that has really surprised me is our little Gus.
When we brought Gus home, he was not the first choice. I had my eye on a brother, but our little guy galloped around the grass, chewed on his poor brother and found his way to Mac's feet. He decided that they looked like a good place to collapse, so he proceeded to do just that. Mac and I looked at each other and I said, "It looks like WE have been chosen!"
He was a challenge from the start! We called him "Piranha Boy", which was not a loving defined him. I would take him out in the yard to potty and he would jump, bite and attack my shoes the entire way. We lost so many shoelaces!!! I loved him, but I certainly didn't like him very much.
It's difficult to bond with a puppy that is on the attack ALL OF THE TIME! There was never a moment when he would snuggle in and endear himself to my heart. I even slept downstairs to be near him, but it didn't seem to phase him in the least! This went on for the better part of his first year.
Then, suddenly, I noticed a difference. He would watch me with his one good eye (the other is blind) as if to say, What am I doing wrong?" It broke my heart!
We went to 10 weeks of obedience and that was a start. I discovered this young man was very smart and learned quickly. I also realized he wanted to please me in any way he could. I was slowly beginning to like him and love him even more.
When I thought back to his first weeks as a puppy, I realized he had little to no human interaction. Taken from his mother and siblings must have been like losing his entire world! This little guy was making sense to me.
He became better and better as we loved him with abandon. He stopped doing all the "Zoomies" and actually moved quickly down the continuum to likeable pup!
When Sam entered the picture, I knew it could go either way. I shouldn't have worried. I already understood Gus and believed in his heart. Gus took to Sam like a duck takes to water. He was enamored, mesmerized and addicted! We could not separate the two.
Looking back, I know realize that our Gus did not know how to love. He had to be taught that trust, affection and continuity meant that it was safe for him to open his heart. He is now our most precious and devoted Golden...all it took was love.
It seems that those of us, lucky enough to be loved from the start, develop like precious Sam (Thank you to Cassie Puppy Mama). Others, like our Gus, need to be loved consistently to open their hearts and love us back. I don't think I will ever look at anyone without that thought in mind. Love can only be developed when that heart is loved, nurtured and treasured somewhere along the journey. Perhaps, it's never to late to help others learn to love.