Day 162


Today was a day for adventures! One of those wonder-making times was at Dehn's Pumpkins out in Dayton. (Thanks for the suggestion, Erin!) Piling into the car, we all thought Asher should be able to choose his own pumpkin, so off we went towards an amazing place!

There were slides galore, pony rides, hay rides, a corn maze, bounce houses, food, crafts and pumpkins! When asked what his favorite memory was from the day, Asher responded with, "The CORN PIT was my best time!" This amazingly huge pit seemed bottomless and spanned a huge utility barn. Even I couldn't resist and had such fun!

Now, poor Ranger would have been miserable at this venue! Our boy is allergic to four things and one of them is corn dust! Every fall, his allergies flare due to the corn harvest west of Anoka. He doesn't complain, but his eyes show the true story.

When Ranger was about two, he began to scratch until he was raw! As any good dog parents would do, we took him to an allergy specialist down in Bloomington. When we arrived, I was startled by the huge variety of miserable pups with their allergies. We sat in the waiting room surrounded by scratching, furniture-rubbing whimpering dogs. My heart went out to each and every one! I was relieved when our name was called!

We were escorted back to an exam room where a technician and doctor awaited. After introductions, we were asked a few questions with one regarding sedation. I told them I was confident that he would not need that! Fingers and toes were crossed!

Ranger was placed up on a metal table and the "torture" began. Lying on his side, they commenced to shave a big patch of hair followed by a thorough cleaning. So far, so good.

Then, they proceeded to inject small needles of fluid into his side...52 in all! Ranger looked at me with a bit of panic, but trust won out. It took a bit, but when it seemed to be over, the waiting began...

First, the injection area around the linen fiber shot started to swell. Hmmm...that would be a challenge to keep him away from any linens.

Next, corn dust created quite the bump. Corn dust...I can keep him away from that. Boy, was I wrong about that!

The third one to erupt was "HUMAN DANDER"! What??? Now, we had a real issue! My dog was allergic to ME!

Finally, the doctor and technician began to laugh as the fourth and final injection site turned red and ugly. Now what? I was afraid to hear what the last one indicated!

CATS! Your dog is allergic to cats! They hadn't seen that very often and, evidently, not as severe a reaction.

Well, one out of four allergies can be controlled. No cats at this house! The humans, linens and corn dust from the west are still here, but Ranger has a wonderful medicine that takes away the itch!

As for me? My allergies are few and far between, but I might just have a bit of my boy's reaction to corn dust with my reddening eyes. Just so I am not allergic to dogs or humans!!!!!


Day 163


Day 161