Day 139


Everyday heroes...not so ordinary! We watched one in action today!

Our handyman, friend and almost family member, Tom, happened to stop by this morning when we sure needed him! I had returned from an errand and heard a noise coming from the garage. Thinking a bird or small animal had been trapped within, I opened the big door and continued to hear the scratching and whimpering from a higher point. I realized it was from the gutters on the roof of the garage.

I was standing there, trying to make a plan when, all of a sudden, I saw Tom's van pulling up into our driveway and he emerged with his Invisible Super Cape blowing in the breeze! He had dropped by to deliver an amazing replica (he made it!) of a vintage apparatus used by our own Colonel Giddings...resident summon "the help" during dinner parties. I explained my dilemma and he went right into action!

The poor mewing animal had taken a journey into the rain gutter system and could not escape. It was pitiful to hear it scramble back and forth, making the saddest sound I've heard in a long time. It could not seem to retrace its steps and was FRANTIC to get out!

Tom grabbed his ladder and tools. At that point, I had to pick up our grandson at Zion Pre-K, so I wished him the best of luck and left him in the able hands of my own personal hero, Mac. Returning with Asher, after about 20 minutes, I realized Tom was still hard at work. He was actually removing the gutter system and siding at the corner of the garage to free the animal.


"Hey, Nanny! If it's a puppy like Sam, you can keep it! If it's a cat, we get to take it home because Ranger's allergic!"

"Hey, Nanny! If it's something bigger, you can have it!"

Asher was so excited! I was a little bit apprehensive because, at that very moment, Tom had made and escape route for the poor beast and we were all waiting with bated breath!

It took only a few seconds for us to hear the scrabbling sound of the little convict! It poked its nose out into the air where our own Super Hero had created the opening. Soon, it jumped down on our garage lamp, then fell to the ground. Our squirrel was so black, we weren't sure what it really was at first. (The little thing looked like a skunk!)

As it ran around the side of the garage to sit near a fern, I hurried to get some corn kernels and water. He didn't wait around, but slowly scampered up a nearby tree to recuperate. (Sam and I saw him later on the next street over. He was still filthy, but had more zip to his step by then.)

Tom put the gutter and siding back together and put his tools back in the van. Both Mac and I were so appreciative and asked how much we could give him for his help. His answer...

"Heroes don't get paid."

Everyday hero indeed! The world needs more people like Tom the Squirrel Saver!


Day 140


Day 138