Day 130


Unique alliances! When we brought Sam home, we assumed that Gus would be his buddy. However, Sam has chosen Ranger for the time being. This big brother is calm, predictable and patient beyond measure. They are quite the pair!

When we have playtime in the backyard, I referee the interactions with my two youngest. They both do the "Play Bow," pounce a few times and then take off running. Gus, in his zealous way, is too much for our littlest guy right now. After a few minutes, I pick Sam up and we snuggle on a bench while Gus finishes up his rounds. The day will soon come when Sam and Gus will be more equal in weight and height. My bets are on Sam to be the winner of any puppy contest!

Watching these dogs made me think about the choices we all make with those surrounding us. Even though it would seem that two people might make the perfect bond, it doesn't always turn out that way.

Mac shared a saying with me that has resonated deep within.

"People enter our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime."

We have all been indiscriminately paired with individuals in the varied landscapes of our, church, schooling and a list of other venues we pass through from time to time. Those people are important for a reason, and I honor that.

The saddest part of the quote refers to people entering our lives for a season. There have been one or two people in my life who have simply floated away after the season has passed. I would have liked to keep them close, but it was simply not meant to be.

Those people who impact our world for a lifetime are the ones who enter our hearts and stay there. Even though some of them, are distant in miles while others are simply busy living their lives to the fullest, the connection remains strong. There are those who interact on a daily or weekly basis and others who reconnect after a length of time without missing a beat in the friendship. I cherish them all.

Now, as our little Sam navigates the relationships with his new sister and brothers, I will guide and direct for now. I have no doubt that Ranger, Lilly and Gus will be "lifetime" companions with love, fun and excitement abounding. Their adventures and bonding have already taken root.


Day 131


Day 129